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Originally designated the P-80, the Shooting Star first flew
on 8 January 1944 and
reached operational units in early 1945 but did not see action in World War
II. The first jet fighter produced for the U.S.A.F. in quantity (1,700 built),
the Shooting Star saw action in the Korean conflict. The F-80 found itself
outclassed by the MiG-15 and was relegated to close support duties.
The T-33 trainer and F-94
interceptor were developed from the Shooting Star.
(F-80C) |
Designations |
 | P-80: U.S. Army (pre-1947) |
 | DF-80: drone director |
 | F-14: U.S. Army photo reconnaissance
(later FP-80 then RF-80) |
 | F-80: U.S. Air Force (post-1947) |
 | FP-80: U.S. Army photo reconnaissance |
 | QF-80: radio-controlled drone |
 | RF-80: Reconnaissance version |
 | TO-1: U.S. Marine Corps trainer (later TV-1) |
Pages |
Related Websites
You Can Buy |
P/F-80 Shooting Star in action
Squadron/Signal |
Shootin' Stars of the 94th
Stan Vosburg |