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Photo: Hal Maynard, LtCol USAF Retired)
flown as the XJR2F-1 in 1947, the Albatross was used
by the U.S. Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard.
The U.S. Navy used the Albatross as a utility
aircraft (the UF-1) carrying a crew of four and 10
passengers, stretchers or cargo. The U.S. Air Force used the
Albatross as a search and rescue aircraft (SA-16). In
1962, both services re-designated this aircraft as the HU-16.
Most were phased out of service in the 1970s. |
(HU-16D) |
Designations |
 | G-64: Grumman model number |
 | XJR2F: original U.S. Navy experimental
utility transport designation. |
 | UF-1: U.S. Navy Utility version (before
1962) |
 | SA-16: U.S. Air Force Search Amphibian
version (before 1962) |
 | HU-16: U.S. Military Search Utility
version (after 1962) |
Pages |
Related Websites
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HU-16 Albatross in action
Squadron/Signal |